protect your brand

How and why to register a trademark

Our team can assist you with trademark registration of any type

the trademark

How and why to register a trademark

Our team can assist you with the registration of any brand

the trademark

How and why to register a trademark

Our team can assist you with the registration of any brand


What is trademark registration and what is it for?

What is it?

A trademark is a sign which consist of word and/or figurative elements representing a brand identity. Each sign coming from your creativity and that can be represented in any form may be protected and registered as trademark: words, drawings, symbols, sounds, shapes and much more.

What is its purpose?

The trademark communicates to the consumer that the product or service, distinguished by the trademark itself, is associated with a specific company rather than another one.

The trademark allows to enhance and improve the market image of a company and of the goods marked by the same distinctive sign. If a company has an excellent brand reputation, it will be considered as a sign of reliability by its consumers.

The purpose of a registered trademark is to let you distinguish yourself from the competition and build a trustworthy relationship with the consumer, based on the brand recognisability and reliability.

We support you in every step of trademark registration

To achieve your business goals, it is crucial to register the trademark of your brand and protect it continually through the years.

We assist you through the trademark creation process and we check the registrability requirements.

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We provide accurate researches on the state of the art on competent offices’ databases to verify the presence of third parties’ prior rights.

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An important specification

The product classes

When filing a trademark, it is necessary to choose its product classes. In the application for trademark registration, you’ll have to indicate the products and services you’re interested in and that will be labelled by the trademark. To simplify the process, there are 45 product classes which gather all products and services that can be marketed by a sign.

Choosing the adequate product classes is a crucial phase to determine your trademark protection strategy. Therefore, when we register a trademark, we prevent others from using one similar or identical sign only in the categories of products and services to which the trademark refers.

Indeed, with a few exceptions, the law allows the presence of products with a similar or identical trademark if the goods aren’t in competition with each other. If you wish to gain a more extended protection, it’ll be necessary to take it into account during the selection phase of product classes in your trademark application. In the end, remember that you can’t add a product class once your trademark has already been filed, but you’ll have to necessarily submit a deposit of a new registration application.

Sometimes it can be complicated to understand in which product class to register a trademark, especially if it concerns products linked to innovative technologies. We try to help entrepreneurs and companies to select the most suitable product classes in order to protect a trademark in the best way, in conformity with the distinctive characteristics of a product or a service.

a small premise

Individual and collective trademark registration

Among the different types of trademarks that can be registered, a distinction has to be made between individual trademarks and collective trademarks.

Individual trademark registration

The individual trademarks have the function of distinguishing products and services marketed by an company or an entrepreneur. The individual trademark can be registered by both a natural person and a company, which will have the exclusive right to use it. This trademark has to be distinctive, and it can’t be descriptive. In other words, it can neither describe the features of a product nor indicate its origin.

Collective trademark registration

The collective trademarks point out the origin and the quality of a product or a service and are of particular interest for food companies. They are mostly used by more than one company and have the function to grant the geographical origin or the quality. The owner of a collective trademark cannot use it: it can be registered only by an association of companies, consortia and public authorities and used by individual associates.


National, European, international brand

Registering a trademark means to protect it legally. The owner of a distinctive sign has the right to defend himself and oppose counterfeiting or illegal third parties uses of his trademark.

National trademark

Trademarks are valid and have effect in the territories they’re registered in. Therefore, the national trademark allows you to market your products or services in a unique country. In this case, the fees will be fairly low, but they’ll rise if you want to increase the marketing abroad.

European trademark

To protect your business beyond the Italian borders, you’ll have to register a European trademark as soon as possible, to avoid that someone appropriates your trademark and file it before you.

The European trademark is valid not only in Italy, but also within all the EU member states.

International trademark

If among your business goals there’s the expansion beyond the EU, you’ll have to proceed with the registration of an international trademark. Only in this way your trademark will be protected in one or more foreign countries of the international treaty for trademarks.

In this case, the fees will vary based on the non-EU country in which you intend to register your trademark and the product classes your brand claims. On the other hand, there’s no way to register a type of trademark valid worldwide, because every single country has its taxation and rules system.

How to register a trademark

Proceeding with the registration of a corporate logo or of an industrial trademark is a delicate and complex operation, which requires specific skills. In order not to undermine your brand strategy, seek advice from experts in the field.

Our team can provide you with assistance in registering whichever type of trademark, in a rapid and efficient way. We attempt to meet the needs of your company and we support you in protecting your inventions with flexibility and transparency.

Let's deepen important topics

Registering a company logo or an industrial trademark is a delicate and complex process that requires specific skills. To avoid damaging your brand strategy, contact professionals with experience in the field.

The product classes

Choosing the right product classes is a key step in defining your brand protection strategy.

Individual and collective mark

Among the different types of trademarks that can be registered, a distinction has to be made between individual trademarks and collective trademarks.


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It takes about 8 months to register a trademark in Italy. The effects of registration are retroactive and take effect from the filing date.

No. A trademark is a distinctive sign that serves to distinguish a product and/or service of a company from its competitors. Copyright is right attributed to the author of a creative work.

Trademark depreciation charges are deductible to an extent not exceeding one eighteenth of the cost (Article 103(1) of the TUIR). The depreciation process must be completed in a period of not less than 18 financial years, which corresponds to a maximum depreciation rate of 5.56%.

Yes. By means of a licence agreement, the owner of the trademark may grant the right to another person to use it in whole or in part for a royalty.

A trademark expires if it is not renewed at the end of the 10-year period of validity or if it is not used within 5 years from the date of registration. A registered trademark also expires when it is only sporadically used. Other cases of forfeiture are vulgarisation or illegality of the distinctive sign.

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